Thursday, March 27, 2008

Village cooking lessons: Day 2

Samlor Majoo Kroeng Sait Gou (Sour Soup with Morning Glory and Beef)

*Note: In Cambodia Morning Glory is not a flower, but an aquatic vegetable with a hollow stem, sometimes called Water Spinach.

For a picture of what it can look like go here.

Step 1: Remove leaves from the Morning Glory. A few smaller ones can be left on the ends. Using the flat side of a knife (preferably a cleaver) flatten the Morning Glory stocks, then chop into 1.5" pieces.

Step 2: Add 5-6 garlic cloves and pieces of galangal rhizomes to a mortar, then smash them together. Add the "kroeng" mix (pounded lemongrass and tumeric root and other things) and continue pounding. Add some finely chopped kaffir lime leaves (or add some sour tamarind paste later) to make it sour.

Step 3: Cut up the meat into small bite-sized pieces.

Step 4: Heat some oil in the bottom of a large stock pot. Add the pounded mixture along with some "prahok" (Cambodian fish paste) and cook for a couple of minutes. Then add the meat and cook until it's browned. Cover with water and bring to a boil then simmer. Once it's simmering add the Morning Glory pieces. Cook until those are soft.

Eat with steamed rice.

1 comment:

CanCan said...

Hey, girl!
I'm sorry I never wrote you back after your super sweet valentine card. I wanted to write you immediately and then I told myself, "No, she is leaving soon she won't get it." Then I just fell off the radar!
Sorry about that!